Our member centres regularly takes on legal practitioners seeking an opportunity to give back to the community and students on placement
as part of their degrees.
The vast majority of community legal centres across SA use volunteers, providing important client services.
Our volunteers have always been an integral part of the community legal centre sector, but increasingly community legal centres are also engaging students studying social work, community development, communications, IT, and business to carry out a variety of volunteer work.
Volunteer roles vary in each centre, but common tasks are:
taking instructions from clients (under supervision of solicitors);
answering phones, making referrals, making appointment bookings, organising interpreters;
conducting research;
drafting correspondence; and
working on community legal education and law reform projects.
Several community legal centres also offer evening legal advice sessions with advice provided by volunteer solicitors.
The listing below will assist you get in touch directly with a centre that are looking for volunteers.
JusticeNet probono referral service
Northern Community Legal Service
Uniting Community Law Centre (Central/CBD/Hills)
There are also specialist legal services listed on our webpage that your expertise/specialist skills may be aligned to your interest as well